Display brokerage consultation



Do you need help sourcing an OLED or other next-generation displays for your project? We can help!

We address each customer’s specific needs, but the general project layout is as follows:

  1. We learn about your project’s needs and requirements:  required display type (size, resolution, features), volume requirement and any other preferences and restrictions you may have
  2. We identify potential suppliers for your project – from our network of display partners (producers, distributors and suppliers)
  3. We introduce you to the suitable partners, and continue to assist as needed during the project’s lifetime

We focus on the following display types:

  • PMOLED displays
  • AMOLED displays
  • Flexible OLED displays
  • OLED microdisplays
  • Transparent OLED displays
  • EOL OLED panels (clearance sales, also drop-in replacements for older models)
  • ePaper displays (E Ink, MIP LCDs)


The consultation cost is $250.

* Note that with some display suppliers we have active lead-generation agreements

Some of our market report customers: